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Welcome to dios FREE. In this version, you’ll get to sample the simplicity that dios brings to your Influencer and Creator efforts. Think of this as a basic CRM that is focused on the relationship rather than tracking campaigns and communities.

If you’d like to track the Goods that you send out, and the performance of specific Initiatives, pick up dios SOLO.

If you’re looking for a fully integrated influencer operating system that helps you manage influencer marketing across a variety of brands, pick up dios AGENCY

dios is designed to help you manage your (1) community and (2) campaigns through what we call Agreements. Think of your Community as the creators + influencers close to your brand and your Campaigns are just that, a specific campaign. Your Community is more evergreen and will help you understand who’s engaging with you the most and who you should invest in more in the long run. Both your Community and Campaigns are entered and tracked as Initiatives. An agreement is related to a specific Community or Campaign so that you can track goods and social metrics for a specific initiative.

If you have questions, email us at [email protected].


<aside> <img src="/icons/flash_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/flash_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> Set up your dios ↓









<aside> <img src="/icons/question-mark_gray.svg" alt="/icons/question-mark_gray.svg" width="40px" /> If you have questions ↓

Email us at [email protected]

DM us at @districtstudio.co on Instagram
